Growing Up Godly: Learning Family Traits

Heartlife believes that Jesus has called us all to an intimate and transformed relationship with our Heavenly Father. Sadly, many of us struggle to experience that level of interaction with Him. We also believe that only as God does transform our lives, (Heart, Mind, and Soul) can He live through us to naturally reflect that transformation with others. 

Connecting with God… “In His own words” 

Are you ready for an amazing adventure? A truly exciting journey is in store as God leads us through the biblical accounts of scripture; sifting through timelines, maps, and cultural clues to sense our Father’s heartbeat and purpose for us, His children, Israel.

As we read from the passages, beginning with God’s Creation in Genesis,  we learn about the creation of our world, and all of its contents and structures. How He spoke creature groups into being within the cycle and balance of life; that He also created. Then at the climax of His creation, He created Man(kind). Again because God did not want for us to be alone… He created Eve out of man. He also gave us the privilege to be the caretakers of His Creation…Wow!

As we continue through the rest of Genesis, we see some very  interesting things about God; His Mind, Heart, and Personality toward His creation. We  also learn about Man(kind) and his mind, heart and personality… and the rest, as they say, is History. God desires that His children love, honor, respect and live for Him… to be Holy (set apart for His pleasure) as He is Holy. (Just as our parents seek and nurture our love, honor, respect within our family.)

As we read, ponder, question and pray through the accounts, you’ll find that the Holy Spirit begins to touch your heart by what you are seeing and discovering beyond the facts and figures. God’s Heart will begin to transform your heart in ways you’ve never thought possible! You will begin to understand the attributes and character traits that He embodies, are in fact the same character traits He longs for in us as His adopted children.

Transformation of the Heart makes all the difference…

Understanding His Heart…     will transform yours!
Understanding His Heart…   will transform yours!

As we close today, I want to share how I have seen this style of personal study really transform our hearts. The key is found in our hearts desire to know and understand what God loves for our lives. We can read scripture the way we always have, and know what it says. We can see what is right to do, and what is wrong to do, and go on our way. But when we take the time to ponder, pray and ask “why?” God does, and “why?” we do, and then take it to heart; the Holy Spirit draws us close to His mind and heart. As we have said before… Many folks ask the question, “What would Jesus do?” and you can know that. But until we understand “Why Jesus would do?” “Why did God say?” it helps us understand His motive and heart; His DNA and personality. Religious folks know lots of Bible passages, but the humble heart that seeks to follow and reflect the Father’s heart will truly be transformed by the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives and reflect His ways in all they do. ♥ #EverydayHeartlife4God #Transformation

One Reply to “Growing Up Godly: Learning Family Traits”

  1. Gaitha Athans

    Well written in keeping to the point for a common sense approach. God makes Himself known in many simple ways when our spiritual eyes and ears open up. Thanks for sharing this insight.

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