Family: Growing Up Godly

Hey there…

As we head into Family celebrations and Thanksgiving feasts this week, we wanted to wrap up our “Family” discussions to talk about our place in the Family… Ours and His.

We know that when we were born physically into this world through our parents we became members of our Family. We can also become “grafted” Family members through adoption processes that rescue us for a new hope and purpose.  (See “Adoption by Choice”)

Conversely, when we accept Christ’s atoning death as our Savior (our adoption price), we are born spiritually (adopted/grafted) into the Family of God… We are God’s Children, His chosen People… Now what?

We mentioned last time that as we learn, develop, and mature under our Parents we begin to emulate many of the Physical and Character traits, Personality, and Values our Parents have nurtured us in. As the Family tree grows and expands we, in many ways, naturally and unconsciously develop family traits that depict generationally our family name. The same is true for our Heavenly Father’s desire for our lives as His children, His People, His Name. His desire is for His children, His people to reflect the Character traits, Personality, and Values He has and is. He longs for His Family to be Holy as He is Holy… Holiness is merely setting, or focusing. our heart toward His higher purposes… not perfection; it’s your heart that matters.

Family is all about  relationships… From our family we learn many life lessons. We grow learning about relationship, trust, obedience, respect, intimacy, hurt, emotional pain, forgiveness, joy and above all, Love. This was, from the beginning God’s plan for our earthly families, that was based on His desire for His Spiritual Family for us. So how do we develop our family relationship with God?

First Steps…

First, Remember, just like natural Childbirth or Adoption, Life was already happening! Our Spiritual birth is the same. Check out Psalm 139 for a glimpse of your “Preemie” days. He already knew you as you were fearfully and wonderfully made. When we are born Spiritually into God’s family, just like our Parents, there was alot already in play. God already had in mind our best life set that would reflect his Glory and Name through our lives. Like any newborn, parents already knew how to meet our every need before we understood we did. (Maybe not as quick as we needed at times…but you get the picture 😉 ) God does this too. as He begins to build intimacy, trust, provision and Love into our young lives.

Soon we begin to communicate with Him…through prayer, through conversation, through listening to Him through His Word and pondering what He is impressing on our hearts and how it relates to our relationship with Him. As we have known our earthly fathers intimately, what is our Heavenly Father like? What is His personality…what does He Love? What makes Him smile and happy. What causes Him pain and grief? How can I show my love to Him, respect Him, honor Him. He is the Lord of all Creation, He created everything that was made, including me, How can I serve him? It all comes down to the “heart” of our relationship with Him.

Next time we will dive into understanding our Heavenly Father’s heart… See you then. ♥

One Reply to “Family: Growing Up Godly”

  1. Gaitha Athans

    Thanks for sharing this insight into Scripture as it applies to real life throughout the ages. We are truly blessed. Let us always rejoice.

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