Holiness Journey: A Rocky Start

Hello again!! Things are finally “Springing to Life” after a long winter’s nap. There is a beautiful “God thing” picture for us to see as we begin to seasonally plant our annual flowers and perennial bulbs. Have you ever noticed in planting bulbs they look dead? How could there be life in there? Yet, when planted in fertile soil, early each Spring, life is resurrected in a burst of glory and color. As we prepare for our upcoming Resurrection Sunday Celebration, here is a great way to share the Resurrection account through an Easter Lily bulb…. From that dried out bulb, that appears dead and useless, springs a resurrected and beautiful new life!

With that backdrop in mind, I want to begin by helping us understand what our journey of this new Holiness life will look like… Let’s go!

Accepting God’s gift of Christ is the doorway to Life with God… and that’s just the beginning!

Last time we laid out what happened when Adam and Eve fell into rebellion and sin by choosing the Serpent’s (Satan’s) lie. Immediately the consequences of their actions were apparent. They were Spiritually dead. Their intimate fellowship with their Creator was irreparably ruined. God is pure and Holy, they could no longer be in His presence as before. God created them perfectly, yet with the ability to make choices. God’s innate desire was for all of His creation, especially these who were created in His image, to faithfully trust, honor, love and choose… HIM. Sadly, just as Adam and Eve did, we all have chosen poorly.

So, what happens now?? How could the irreparable be repaired? What would be the consequences and ramifications? Ponder this a moment… it’s important to understand the weight of the dilemma. God had to be true to His own nature; He is Holy. Adam and Eve were Holy unto the Lord until they chose to disobey and believe the Serpents lie. “You will not surely Die.” But Spiritually, they did die. They were immediately cast out of the perfect garden paradise that God had placed them, into a world with all the barren consequences and repercussions of sin we know today. The Perfection of Creation, was emaciated into a perverted and wicked representation of itself. It is still this way today… But God… Only God could reconcile the Creation He so loved, and still be true to Himself. Adam and Eve were powerless to fix the wrong that had been done, They shamefully hid in fear to “cover up’ their choice; much as we have done. Because God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He forged a plan. A plan that would reconcile the Creation He loved back to Himself for all eternity if they choose Him.

But only God could reconcile the Creation He so loved…

As I write today it is Good Friday, and I’m mindful of the rest of this story. Mindful that Christ took on the penalty (The wrath of God), for all my sin and the sins of all mankind. Jesus Christ was and is today our Deliverer. He is the only One who could. This was the miraculous and wise plan of our Heavenly Father to remedy our Fall from His original desire. As we have said, we carry in our lives the very same sin of chosen rebellion that expelled Adam and Eve at the Fall. Jesus was different from the beginning. He was the Promised Deliverer that was foretold from centuries before. He was Emmanuel, God, in human form, with us. How did this happen?? The critical piece is in the Christmas account, that we have known for years; but look closer. It is the only time in human history that this happens. Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin, by being impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God. (ponder that a moment, Joseph is not his Dad.) God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, was truly a fusion of God and Man in human skin. Therefore He alone was the only possible perfect sacrifice that could, on Calvary, atone for all our choices of rebellion and sin in the mind and heart of God. (John 3:16) Through Christ’s amazing death, burial, resurrection, He becomes the only passage for all who receive this incredible gift. As Believers in Christ we are now “grafted” through adoption back into God’s forever Family; His people. God’s redemption and deliverance is complete. Sin’s Curse in the Garden is now gone. We have victory through our Deliverer/Redeemer Jesus’ death, burial, and most importantly His Resurrection. God “sealed” the deal, by giving us His Holy Presence, the Holy Spirit, to lead and guide us in our new Faith/Life journey, with God through Christ. (Gal. 4:4-5, Eph. 1:13, Rom.8: 15-17) The only questions that remain are these: Have you accepted God’s gracious gift of love to reclaim you as His son or daughter? Have you decided to submit you mind, heart and life to Him? From the beginning of time, He created and knew you intimately. Because of this, He knows what will be your best life. Walking in Faith and Trust in God is not easy, but very rewarding and exciting! Our Father’s Heart is for your best. His Love and Faithfulness are sure, every day. Adam and Eve chose poorly and the effects of our fallen world are evident all around us today. The choice is up to you.

Next time, we will look into how our guide, the Holy Spirit, will lead us as we embark on this new adventure of Faith, Hope, Love and Relationship with God daily. Til then, may you and yours have a blessed Easter Celebration of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ! ♥

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