Jesus In My Genes…

     During our recent Family celebrations of Mother’s day and Father’s Day, I was thinking about the traits that were passed down from my parents that still influence my life today.  I know my Dad’s trait of making friends easily has always been a plus for me. You could say I’m, as some might, I’m a “Chip off the old block.” I am also very thankful at this point for my Grandma Athans’ head of hair!  😉  My Mom could be strong willed and stubborn at times, yet, very gracious and loving at others.  These are but a few of the Family traits and influences that are with me today.

I’ll never forget the time I went to a Family trust meeting at a bank in Ft Worth, TX, where my Dad was raised. He had five brothers. When I was greeted at the meeting by a bank representative, I was stunned as she said “Hello, Mr. Athans. I was a bit taken back, but managed to say hello, than quickly followed up by asking inquisitively… “How did you know my name? She smiled and said, “When you walk through that door, you will know.” She was right. I felt like I had just walked into a house of mirrors. All  the men in the room resembled me. I had met my cousins years before as a kid while visiting in Texas from California. I was mid-twenties at this point, and was blown away at the family resemblances.

The same can be said for our relationship to our heavenly Father, as His children and His people. How does our Heavenly Father’s influence show up in our lives? Are there traits that reflect our Father’s eyes, our Father’s heart? Family relationships like these, (Father-Son, Father-daughter) are built on shared time, trust and intimacy…there are no short cuts. But the rewards are forever.

Jesus was the complete and true reflection of His Father.  As Believers, we seek to reflect Jesus so others will seek Him.  #Jesusinourgenes #mirrorimage #transformationalJourney.♥

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