Next Steps… Down the Ravine

Welcome Back… today’s journey may be a bit challenging… As we descend to the valley below, we will be returning to where our real life engages with our daily challenges. This is where our Faith battle rages. Unless we develop the wise discernment and transformational life as a victorious follower of Christ, we will stumble around until we die, just like a blind man.

How do we develop our minds, hearts, and lives to reflect Jesus through “real world” lives? That is a very good question that will “lead us down a deeper path” in our journey. Watch your step, make sure your footing is sure and stable.

Recently I have been studying Israel’s history during the period of the Divided Israel. It was a time of social and cultural unrest, corrupt leadership, and national sin in the “Promised Land”. Sound Familiar? Actually, the parallels are uncanny. The children of Israel were to conquer and destroy the people of the land that God had promised to Israel. But Israel chose to not do that, and allowed graciously for many of those people to stay on as servants.

Over time there was intermarriage, and acceptance of the Idol worship and perversions that God wanted to eradicate. This led to the corruption of Israel, and as God had told them; their disobedience would lead to punishment by God from surrounding Nations. These Nations took notice how Israel had forgotten the God Who had brought them from Egypt, established them as a Godly Nation, only to turn away and seek other gods.

Israel had walked away from the God of their Fathers’ and replaced Him with ungodly perversion. They threw away the Blessings of God to worship a statue, an animal, or a king. They walked away from the pillars of Truth that their Fathers had honored, and walked away from the laws and precepts that God had given them through Moses, so that “it would go well for you”. But they needed to choose to love and honor God, and walk in His ways.

The same is true today when we as a Nation and people choose to walk away from the God of our Father’s. When we can’t seem to find the time to pray and ponder God’s mind and heart revealed in His Word, the Bible; we will suffer deeply. If we seed our minds and hearts with the Truth of God’s Word daily, we will be able to discern the right answers to the perversions of todays culture. That is the true fact of real transformational living! Real life, Real Jesus, in Real time!

Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinks in his heart…so is he.” Heartlife believes that in order to reflect God’s heart naturally we must see and understand God’s heart, character and personality through the lens of His Word, the Bible. Then we will begin to reflect His character in the “everyday” challenges of our lives.

This is the way to walk in a intimate relationship with God. We know how much God has done to reach us because of His love. But how do we respond to His Love, Mercy, Grace, and Truth? We show we love and honor Him through our lives in everyday relationship. We commit to this relationship by desiring His fellowship, seeding our minds and hearts in His word, and walking obediently with Him daily. Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” John 14:15

This is not meant to be a guilt trip, nor is it just about “works and deeds”. It is about our hearts desire for the Lord; and He knows us. If we desire to love and honor Him in our lives, we will follow His laws and precepts so that “it will go well for you”… it’s our choice. He is the God of all Creation and He knows what is best, because He created it. (Deuteronomy 5:29. See also Deuteronomy 6:1-9)

As a Follower of Christ, it is foundational to spend time with Him daily. To “seed” His heart to ours. As we do, our hearts will reflect His Mercy, Love, Grace, and Truth through our lives to influence our World for Christ! Blessings!! ♥

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