Have You Been Adopted?

In our last blog we talked about Family. Traits and characteristics of our lives that, physically or emotionally, have been passed down from previous generations to create our uniqueness. It was really fun to listen to the “personal” quirks we have received from Dad or Mom; or maybe Uncle Tom or Aunt Claire.  BTW, people love to share too. 🙂

In this blog, we want to look at a different family connection…Adoption.  Adoption is a term that has many sides, rights, benefits and responsibilities. Has Adoption touched you, your Family, a friend?? Adoption is at it’s core… Life rescuing, Life giving, and Life bonding.

Adoption touched my family in two distinct ways. One happened  before I was born; the other many years later.

When we were kids (1950’s), Caren, my younger sister had different facial features than my older sister and I. As siblings, we would tease her about maybe being adopted. As you can imagine, it was very hurtful at the time.

Many years later (early 1980’s) after my “Grandmother” had just passed away; my “Grandfather” revealed a very tightly held family secret. He revealed that my Mom, then in her 60’s, had been adopted by her Aunt and Uncle. Her real parents were Claude and Mary Green, Mary had died of Leukemia when my mother was only 2 years old.  It was devastating to think that all these years she/we never knew or understood her true identity.  Yet over the course of her long life, they were always there, in season and out. She was the child they would never realize for themselves.

Over time the pain subsided and healed. We are eternally grateful for my Aunt and Uncle “Grandparents” who were willing “blood relatives” related to Mary (Aunts Sister). They Loved and supported my mother through many of life’s twists and turns over their many years.

Today, Mom has passed (2001). Yet recently I came across some pictures that had been uncovered of Claude and Mary Green. Wow! As I looked at the picture of the Grandparents I had never met, I discovered that Mary had the same facial features that my younger sister Caren had. I never believed she had been adopted when we were kids, but here was proof!! I couldn’t wait to show Caren…Truly Amazing!

Throughout Scripture, God’s Heart has always stood for Marriage and Family. It is the essence and reflection of His Forever Family and Kingdom. God also in His wisdom also understood and planned for our problem with sin. From the Fall in the garden, His Heart desired to redeem us. He has culminated our Redemptive adoption through the precious blood sacrifice of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at Calvary!

Today Adoptions are costly, legal proceedings that prove the love and heart of the Parents for their “chosen” adoptive child. The Price only needed to be paid once and for all time to gain family rights, privileges, and reponsibilities. This is truly a staggering picture of the love God has for each and every one of us!  But He didn’t stop there. Our Adoption by our Heavenly Father is not only Redemptive, but Transformative and Sealed by Committed Choice – His and Ours!

Over the next few blogs we will look at our family connections to Him and discover our family resemblances… #GodsHeartOurLife ♥

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